Karma Sense
How to Increase Your Personal Karma Quotient and Enhance Your Quality of Life
Book Details
About the Book
Do you want to live a happy and fulfilled life? Happiness and fulfillment have less to do with how we’re treated and much more to do with how we treat others. When we focus on treating those around us with kindness and promoting positivity, we not only brighten the lives of those we touch, but in turn we also improve our own happiness, well-being, and wealth.
In Karma Sense, authors Karma Dar and Karma Ken Tipton discuss 101 ways to increase your Karma Quotient in your daily life, improving the lives of others and yourself. It’s based on the nonreligious concept of “What goes around, comes around.” Good Karma comes from simply doing the right thing. The Tiptons offer suggestions for positive interactions with family, friends, your community, and even your pets.
Karma Sense details the basic fundamentals Darlene and Ken have used successfully over the years to enhance quality of life. It shows how, one gesture at a time, you will become a better person with great karma, and you will transform your life. Own your actions, make amends, then move ahead.
About the Author
Karma Dar and Karma Ken Tipton have worked in Hollywood a combined sixty-two years. They are award-winning independent filmmakers, business entrepreneurs, and founders of AmazingKarma.com. They live in Toluca Lake, California.