Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

by Keshav Pandya



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/8/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 166
ISBN : 9781489700322
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 166
ISBN : 9781489700339

About the Book

The story you are about to envelope is a tale untold, unheard, and unseen. It is a tale set thousands of years ago in the ancient times, a tale of a village, an evil king, a hero, and a deep blue sea.

The village of Arutham, cursed by an invasion of the terrible King Asak and trapped by the realms of the deep blue sea, suffers for eighteen years hoping for freedom and fearing the king’s wrath.

King Asak rules countless villages and acquires wealth, as the devil haunts his villagers suffering from a prophecy that he fears from.

The hero, Rozac Lons, an eighteen-year-old orphan living the life of a toymaker, awakens to fight and free his enchained villagers from the devil.

The deep blue sea holds the dead bodies of the poor villagers, cursing the people of the village forever.

From all of this comes a tale of a man’s journey to free his villagers from a curse, a devil, and deep blue sea. It is the journey of unity, toil, dedication, and duty to work fearlessly and fight for truth.

About the Author

Keshav Pandya, a seventeen-year-old student, lives in Old Bridge, New Jersey, a suburban town. Since his adolescence, he has been interested and attracted to the world of literature. Writing poetry and stories, Pandya loved creating creative plots, and rhythmic poetry. Interested in writing books, he enrolled in the Institute for Children’s Literature, where he was assigned courses, prepared to face the writer’s market, and taught the intricacies and complexities of writing a book. Pandya lives with his mom, dad, and older brother. Enjoying playing sports, and spending time with family and friends, Pandya is at the core a student. Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea was a story line that occurred to him when he was in fourth grade; knowing the greatness and significance of children’s literature, he knew he had to make it his first.