Leather Hinges

A Hope in the West

by Nila Braden



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/5/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781489701312
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781489701305

About the Book

Leather Hinges is a true story of May and Exter Stanford’s life in a dug-out home in Oklahoma in 1901. “As May drove the heavy loaded wagon, she smiled at the ridiculous cow and her husband’s patience. Rosie, the milk cow, absolutely would not move unless someone walked with her. Surprisingly, Exter seemed to admire the independent spirit of Rosie. Little five year old Tom was half asleep beside her. The other wagons were wheeling along. This was truly God’s country. We can be really blessed to live in this country. Then May would think, Are the Indians happy with this situation? Not many years past, one could lose his scalp for entering their territory. And even if the Indians are friendly, what about rattlesnakes, wolves, bobcats, coyotes? There doesn’t seem to be enough trees to build houses. But God has led us into this situation. We will just have to believe that the Indians will share their space with us.

About the Author

Nila Braden’s father was the superintendent of the county school. When Nila was three and four, she would go to the classrooms. The teachers would stand her on their desks, and Nila would tell stories. Dad said to let her talk; she will be a writer someday. She has been a storyteller all her life.