Nature Based Leadership

Lessons for Living, Learning, Serving, and Leading

by Stephen B. Jones



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/19/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781489710956
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781489710949

About the Book

Nature Based Leadership inspires, illuminates, and entertains those who are willing to learn from Nature. A collection of personal reflections from a natural resources scientist, university president, philosopher, leadership scholar, Nature enthusiast, and Earth citizen, this book evokes deep emotions and stimulates the reader to think deeply about our relationship with this planet we call home. The author walks a fine line between prose and lyricism. Some of these essays instruct of Nature’s pleasurable terror via the author’s experience. Others do so through his tales of the power of Nature’s beauty, awe, wonder, and majesty. All of the essays draw indelible lessons from or inspired by Nature. The lessons spur the reader to look, to see, to feel, and to act for the good of the individual, the enterprise, and our one Earth. These essays will leave you hungry for more of Nature’s wisdom and inspiration.

About the Author

Steve founded the Nature Based Leadership Institute at Antioch University New England while serving as that institution's president-his third university presidency and eighth university. He preceded his thirty-two years in higher education with a dozen years in the paper and allied-products manufacturing industry where, among other assignments, he conducted tree-nutrition and forest-fertilization research for four years and served another two years in the Corporate Office of Environmental Affairs. As Alabama region land manager in 1981–84, he oversaw operations on the company's five hundred square miles of forestland across twenty-seven Alabama counties. He has a bachelor's degree in forestry and a doctorate in natural resources management. Steve and Judy (his wife since June 1972) reside in the Tennessee Valley region of northern Alabama. Steve's ultimate intent is to enhance lives and enterprise success, even as he sows the seeds for responsible earth stewardship.