Stories and lessons from a winding, bending, curving life. One man’s path, filled with angry pancakes, perilous blowholes, and Chupacabra roadkill. But, then again...whose isn’t?
Book Details
About the Book
Tim lives life believing every experience is the next story. No matter how difficult, embarrassing, or exasperating, he takes a heart picture. “Okay, this will make a great story...someday!” Tim believes each moment is an assignment from God. A charge, a mission, to teach or learn, comfort, annoy, challenge, love, vex, and while wearing the mantle of verdant authenticity, loving others right where they are, courageously offering himself that same grace. But most importantly, Tim looks for the humor. He finds a great deal of human misery and embarrassment diffused by gut-wrenching, thundering, self-deprecating laughter. This compilation of 54 stories will bring tears. Some from laughter. Some from heart-tugs. Some from both. Give yourself permission to feel. With the autobiographical playfulness of a uniquely southern upbringing and self-deprecating humor, Tim carries you along on his journey of faith and relationship with Jesus. His life travels are anfractuous with one concrete, fundamental truth. Tim looks for a reason to laugh in any given situation. And he firmly believes that Jesus, his best Buddy, his Savior, says, “Lighten up people. Y’all gotta laugh more.” Enjoy the ride, the anfractuosity of the journey.
About the Author
What Tim’s friends say about him, to his face oddly enough. ”I love your weirdness. You make weird look charming.” Shelley Norton-Dhane ”Tim is a light-walker.” Bob Perkins ”Tim is precariously fascinating.” David Rice ”Tim is ’relatable.’ He is ’everyman.’” Devin Pendleton ”He is adroit.” Jacqui Lefler, Tim’s sister. Tim isn’t 100% sure what ”adroit” means, but he finds the concept intriguing. Clever girl. “I can read a story in ten minutes or less. It’s the perfect toilet book.” Frank Curtis