God's story continues with His own rebirth,
As the Ancient of Days in Judah's return.
This is when the Ark disappears,
To become the Son of Man in Daniel's premiers.
So, to bring this proposition into reality,
We must examine history for this finality.
This prophet that's promised must be like God,
But not another Baal to be worshipped instead.
Rishon: God had predicted that a Savior like Him would be raised.
Shlishi: Judas and Simon were proud of their little brother, Eleazar Avaran. Whoever heard of a singlehanded attack on the whole Seleucid army to kill the king's elephant, and possibly the king?
Sheni: Picking his way through that phalanx of guards to the beast with the royal trappings and stab it to death, only to have it then fall and crush him. crush him, was the most heroic act I have ever seen. Could he be the Promised One?
Shlishi: He sacrificed himself for us, thinking that then the whole army would cease ruling us and go back to Greece. We three just fled.
Sheni: Eleazar may be another Son of Man,
Making His appearance in history again.
The last was to the Jews Exiled in Babylon,
Tempting them to worship Him with miracles.
They passed the test returning to Judah again.
In fulfilling the prophecy of dying for us,
By killing the elephant of Antiochus,
Eleazer to us is likened to a Son of Man
Who gave up his life to Save us from them.
The Spirit of Christ replaced the Covenant,
As Paul keeps saying in the New Testament
The Ark has now been replaced,
Aaron's Rod disappeared after stopping the Jordan.
The Ancient of Age was tempting Judah with the Son of Man,
To see if they would worship Him as they had with Baal.
But the children were faithful to God this time,
Ignoring the miracles performed in the furnace and den of the lion.
God seems to always think that a sacrifice is required,
Remember He was in Sarah's tent for the Promised Child.
Then Abraham took Isaac to Mount Moriah to slay,
But was Saved by a ram caught in a thicket that day.
Suddenly, there's no Ark, but there's Son of Man,
Who will disappear, but He promised to come again.
We wonder, could that be Elly, our little brother?
Or do we still have to wait for another?
Our people were recently tempted to worship someone like Baal,
After being exiled to Babylon, would they do it again?
The Son of Man appeared doing miraculous things,
Like living in a fiery furnace and in the lion's den.
The only reason we'll ever worship someone like a Christ,
Is if they will voluntarily give up their life,
As reparations for the sins we've committed,
So we can live forever with our wives and friends.
Otherwise, it's just another graven image or idol,
Like we're told not to worship everywhere in the Bible.,
Could this be true of a church image hanging from a cross?
As dying for men's sins so they are not lost.
So what God really meant was another prophet or priest,
Who could help out in emergencies or perform miraculous feats.
So while we wait for the appearance the Son of Man again,
To be pure He may actually have to be born or a Virgin.
Let's examine the qualities of some prophets or men.
Who lived and died for heroic reasons for salvation.
Rishon: Elly's brother, Judas Maccabee, had also died valiantly, leading his little band of Jews, obedient to God, against the grand army of the Seleucid Syrian dictator, Antiochus the Fifth