How Many Threes Are in Your Life?

A Case for Miracles

by E. Spirit GreenWood III



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/10/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 412
ISBN : 9781489749536
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 412
ISBN : 9781489749550
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 412
ISBN : 9781489749543

About the Book

How Many Threes Are in Your Life? is a spiritually intriguing memoir, plucking at your heartstrings from its first angelic overture to its miraculous finale. How Many Threes Are in Your Life? is a treasury of stories spanning three generations, based upon actual events either heard about or personally experienced by the author. The story, as told by Colonel Steven Warwick
Xander, is an interwoven telling of historic and modern-day occurrences that are revealed like an artist standing before a canvas, creating a background—a background of stories. He then begins to paint with stories that eventually converge upon the author falling in love with his wife, Miriam. He finally paints the foreground of the challenges they experienced enroute to a miraculous finale—A Case for Miracles.

Upon reading the many episodes of How Many Threes Are in Your Life?, further enhanced by reading the spin-off story, A Christmas Miracle, the reader will come to fully understand how a battleground was created that pitted the opinions and wills of Canadian medical experts against those of military and NIH experts. The author and his wife were caught in the crossfire. With every battle that pits two or three forces against one another, there is usually a winner, in hopes that it is not a pyrrhic victory. Who won in this case? Did a miracle occur? We leave it to the reader to decide.

About the Author

E. Spirit GreenWood III is a creative nonfiction writer who describes hearttugging events that often provide A Case for Miracles. His stories identify patterns of threes with seemingly miraculous and angelic overtones that have profoundly affected his world and universe.