What You Don't Know About COVID-19

The Mortal Virus

by Alexander Bez



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/28/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 580
ISBN : 9781489750372
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 580
ISBN : 9781489750396
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 580
ISBN : 9781489750389

About the Book

A book written for the world’s population. Although it is a book based in science, it is not academic. It’s composed of nineteen chapters about the virus lethality with around 2,000 tips to help life and its preservation. Written in simpli ed language, this self-help book invites you to a deep self-re ection about existential values.

About the Author

Alexander Bez is a specialist in mental health. As a bachelor in psychology, he worked as a therapist for five years before graduating, besides 22 years of practice. He stopped seeing new patients in 2015 to be more dedicated to self-help literature, especially for women. In 2021, he permanently suspended all the appointments so he could devote himself completely to writing. "What You Don't Know About COVID" is his seventh book already published. Due to the author's concern with the recent worldwide wave of Scientific Denialism and the paranoid obsession of the anti-vax movement, Alexander Bez understood his responsibility with life and science, and therefore decided to expand knowledge about COVID-19 in this second book, so that people can continue to care for themselves and exist on the planet.